Beautiful building and landscape design requires millwork professionals familiar with tropical hardwood manufacturing. We have years of experience working to exacting specifications. Naturally Durable™ wood component manufacturing, kiln drying, special patterns, precision end trimming, and pre-boring holes save jobsite time and expense. Many projects designed to utilize the superior characteristics of Naturally Durable™ tropical hardwoods require non-standard sizes and special milling patterns. Often project site conditions are not conducive to on-site fabrication of decking panels, siding panels, site furnishings, benches, and pre-fabricated boardwalks. Naturally Durable, Inc is experienced in cost saving prefabrication of all types of tropical hardwood products. We are connected to a network of specialized woodworking shops that can satisfy the most demanding specifications.
Naturally Durable™ tropical hardwoods are the solution to long lasting, beautiful bridge decks and boardwalks. The combination of great strength, hardness, and rot resistance are exactly what is needed for bridges and boardwalks. Alternatives like concrete and steel tend to deteriorate in difficult environments and begin to look shabby and ugly within a decade. Tropical hardwoods age much more gracefully and continue to retain the natural beauty of wood for decades. There are many species appropriate for bridges and boardwalks.

Built in a triangular pattern, each panel is stabilized
with sleepers during the manufacturing process.
Lifetime design and tight dimensional tolerances were required to match the elegant apartment terrace decks on this new river edge residential building. The custom designed and manufactured Deck Panels™ fit within the overall geometry of the windows and interior floors. The precision achieved under quality controlled factory condition could not have been realized in the complex jobsite conditions typical of modern city construction. The support sleepers were custom manufactured to shed water and hold the shape of the deck panels over the long term.
Species Used
Naturally Durable™ Ipe and Massaranduba from Brazil
100% FSC® certified SCS-CoC-00041
Stainless steel screws, and Custom milled sleepers for rot resistance and strength, triangulated for shape retention.
Prefabricated Naturally Durable™ Deck Panels™ are appropriate to many decking applications. Roof top decks, bridges, gardens, apartment balconies, and parks are all places where prefabricated deck panels save time and money. Deck panels™ are precision made in quality controlled factory conditions. Dimensions are precise and proven designs take the place of jobsite variables and compromises.
Prefabricated Deck Panels™ are more resource efficient and provide very real opportunities to use shorter lengths and a variety of Naturally Durable™ species that are an integral part of FSC® certified well-managed forests. Our company commitment to sustainable forestry in the tropics is embodied in our custom and standard sized panels.